Добре дошли в блога на Fantastic Services България!

Тук е мястото, където споделяме успехите, уроците, ценностите и каузите, в които вярваме като екип и компания. Ако искаш да усетиш нашия дух и фирмена култура, с които се гордеем, бъди ни чест гост!

За нашата инициатива „Училище с Фантастик“: През 2022 г. започнахме да посещаваме учебни заведения, за да предадем нашите знания и добри практики, свързани с устойчивия начин на живот. Срещнахме се с повече от 200 студенти и около 100 преподаватели, провеждайки лекции и дискусии. Част от темите бяха философията за нулев отпадък, рециклирането, компостирането и отговорността,…

За Карин Дом: Карин дом е организация с нестопанска цел, основана през 1996 г. от дипломатът и филантроп Иван Станчов. Карин дом е модерен функционален център за предоставяне на социални, здравни и образователни услуги за деца със специални нужди и техните семейства. Карин дом подпомага над 300 деца и семейства годишно и обучава над 1200…

This week we have chosen to board a cruise ship and take you on a journey to a pleasant, sunny and breezy destination.  The captain is quick-witted, always ready to help, full of creative and interesting tools to maintain the positive atmosphere. Please meet the lady „responsible for being in a good mood“ as she stated Antonia…

She is a true team player, assisting Sales agents and Team leaders in achieving the best results. „We are definitely fantastic together!“ According to some research, the falcons are among the most intelligent birds. So is she – „someone you can learn from a lot and eager to learn a lot from you“. Her wisdom…

A colleague defined by our Fantastic colleagues as a „ninja“, being a person who will stop at nothing to complete a mission. What is more, we could add a „white“ before ninja, because he is one of the most polite and well-mannered men we have ever met. Furthermore, just like his Japanese covert agents ancestors,…

Six years ago, an SEO star was born… …since then, he keeps scoring in the digital marketing world, just like Ronaldo does since he came back to Manchester United. From the football field to online mastery presence, you can always count on him! He is the one who manages to translate the complicated SEO terms…

Today’s main character doesn’t need an introduction at all! We all know he is S… the MAN. He describes himself as a positive and open-minded person, who is always ready to help if of course, he gets a benefit from that. Please meet Stanislav Yordanov /Director of Franchising London – PRT Services/ Q: What makes…

He controls the perfect balance between being a great person and professional. It is incredible how he can detect qualities in people that others do not see. His teammates are grateful that „he always stands behind them and assists at every stage of work or a project“. And if some of you didn’t managed to…

Her closest colleagues recognize her as a true leader. Always dedicated to team and work, with her positive-realistic approach, she keeps a cool head in every situation, using the right weapon for every challenge. Being a heroine, she knows the art of making things look simple, even when they are out of the frying pan into…

Today’s Fantastic Hero’s greatest superpowers are „the ability to handle pressure“, and the talent to „lead a team and inspire his colleagues“. As a „good man“ he is „always open to new ideas“, taking into consideration other people’s opinion. So.. the time has come and we won’t keep you waiting any longer. Please meet Svetoslav Todorov /Head of Front End…