Fantastic Heroes – Yonka Dimitrova

Her closest colleagues recognize her as a true leader.
Always dedicated to team and work, with her positive-realistic approach, she keeps a cool head in every situation, using the right weapon for every challenge. Being a heroine, she knows the art of making things look simple, even when they are out of the frying pan into the fire.
Empathetic and committed manager, she is a wonderful person, who is capable of putting herself in others’ shoes first, no matter how buried in work she is.
Her colleagues believe that she is the reason for all of them being aligned in purpose, principles, and values, which contributes to a safe and peaceful working environment.
Please meet
Yonka Dimitrova /Chief Accountant/
Q: What is the best memory with your Fantastic colleagues you have kept for the last 8 years?
I truly believe that you do not have to wait everything to be perfect to enjoy the day.
The good memories represent a big part of the benefit package I have had since 2013. So, it is extremely natural to answer this question in seconds! I feel lively and cheerful, looking back at:
• The Finance team buildings / sport games at the beach, canoe kayaking, treasure hunt event, laser tag and etc.;
• The picnics of the Finance team and the workshops we held;
• The Summer parties with the colleagues;
• Christmas parties, Christmas celebrations and secret Santa at the office;
• Birthday celebrations and presents;
• Morning coffee meetings.
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
I am an accountant, 18 years of experience in financial management reporting, accounting, local and international tax regulations, conduct and run the external audits and tax inspections, cash flow management etc. But other things helped me more during my personal growth in this company. I believe that the personal and the professional growth is one and same thing. With an excitement I will share how I passed through these years:
1st year – Welcome to the team!
2nd year – There’s so much work to do, I do not even know where to start.
3rd year – Work hard and Stay positive!
4th year – Continuous improvement is better than delayed perfection!
6th year – Work in silence, let the good results make the noise!
7th year – If the plan does not work, change the plan not the goal. Always have a minimum of two backup plans!
8th year – All experience is good experience.
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
Three years ago, I discovered that I enjoy growing flowers, especially my favourites are the peonies and the natural cotton. I decided to create a small flower garden of tree and herbaceous peonies. This spring I continue planting – more 30 bulbs of Coral Charm, Black beauty, and Red Charm. In my free time I like making flower bouquets for my friends and relatives!
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