Fantastic Heroes – Vladislav Dosev

No matter the circumstances, he is always there to help with a smile and impacts positively anyone that he works with.
He is able to bring balance and healthy perspective to every discussion and to break any vicious cycle with positive regard and get out of it with flying colours.
Please meet
Vladislav Dosev /Head of Customer Service/
Q: What qualities should the best colleague possess?
– To think on their feet.
– Responsibility, Reliability, Honesty and Integrity.
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
For me success is not in the dreaming, it is in the doing. We all have dreams but what we are doing to achieve them by not letting the fear be a roadblock defines success. The biggest perk of success for me is the ability to give back and help others succeed.
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
If I have to pick one it must be cooking. Other than feeding empty stomachs, cooking also taught me a ton of skills which I find handy both at work and outside work. Planning ahead, Patience, Time management, The ability to see what can go wrong and how to prevent it in advance are only few that can help in everyday life!
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