Fantastic Heroes – Svetoslav Dobrev

A man who always defends his rights and a huge fan of FC Barcelona.
Everyone at Fantastic appreciates him as one of the best team players, just like Leo Messi was at Barcelona. Although, if he quits the company the consequences Messi left at Barca would be nothing compared to what Fantastic Services will experience without today’s main character.
Please meet
Svetoslav Dobrev /Implementation Office Manager/
Q: What makes Fantastic Services „Fantastic“?
Definitely not the people! Who would like to work with amazing, motivated, full of ideas, passionate, kind, funny, reliable and responsible people? Do you imagine how much you can grow as a person and a professional if you are surrounded by such individuals? Horrible right?
But as you all know I am a strange bird and absolutely love to be here 😉
Now, let get serious and put the jokes aside. We all know that the people in the company are the real reason we have Fantastic in the name of the company 😉🙏😚 So I will not go again in detail about this and use my remaining words wisely.
The opportunities, the chances we are provided to try our ideas, an experiment in a real business environment and even if you fail…you get up stronger, learn and absolutely smash it the next time! This at first glance that many may believe is leading to chaos or „lack of procedures“ is what is helping all of us grow faster than in other companies. Do not forget this 😊
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
What I truly believe in is the fact that you have to treat others in the same way you want to be treated. It is something very small and sounds easy but at the same time difficult to achieve. I think following this belief and trying to get in other’s shoes is helping me break different roadblocks. With this being said success for me is to have enough knowledge/experience so you can pass that to the people around you in a way that makes them grow, develop, reach their goals and make their life more pleasant. In order to achieve this, I have to constantly push my limits for growth so I can bring more new things to the table 😉
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
I was thinking about what to share as I do not hide my strange side… yes, I know you are all aware that I am a very strange person 😁.
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