Fantastic Heroes – Stanislav Yordanov

Today’s main character doesn’t need an introduction at all! We all know he is S… the MAN.
He describes himself as a positive and open-minded person, who is always ready to help if of course, he gets a benefit from that.
Please meet
Stanislav Yordanov /Director of Franchising London – PRT Services/
Q: What makes Fantastic Services „Fantastic“?
It’s fantastic because it sounds way better than 1st Online Solutions 😁 But on a serious note:
It’s fantastic that we never wait for things to happen, we make them happen.
It’s fantastic that we constantly invest in people, technology, in the planet!
It’s fantastic that here you can learn, get new experiences, share and give and even raise a child, I know many of you met your spouse here 🙂 …and this is what happiness is all about.
It’s fantastic that the company and its culture has and is continuing to change people into a mentality of winning and never satisfying with what is only given to them.
It’s fantastic to see how people here find the support and trust inside their departments, teams and managers!
It’s fantastic that through all these years we have managed to donate tens of thousands of levs from charity bazaars and other events.
It’s fantastic to see the company grow from SEO to a brand and from a London company to a Multinational business…yes, I have been here for almost 10 years so seen things.
It’s fantastic you ask that question but it’s getting lengthy 🙂
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
Success for me is when you contribute to other’s people success as this pays back big time. To enrich your network of people and be able to do business profitably with Mr. Patel and Mrs. Gupta as well as companies like Amazon is quite a success.
One of my biggest successes here is that I learned to say ‘NO’ and that I started to enjoy bad days as those give experience and the worst ones give lessons that you shall use to build a better self. So failure does not exist – you either win or learn!
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
I would say that if you have a talent you must show it to the world. I have shown everything so I don’t have such a hidden talent. Still to emphasize on the question I will share an interesting fact for me – back in 2000 I was the captain of our school team in this mega cool back-in-the-old-days game called Неделно Междучасие and we won. Because that’s how it’s done 😁
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