Fantastic Heroes – Katerina Nikolaeva

That perfect balance between high professional standards and a friendly attitude builds her an image of a „great motivator“.
She encourages others through her effective methods for education, training, and performance enhancement.
But the most inspiring of all her superpowers is her inner kindness.
Please meet the Manager of the Training and development team, our One and Only
Katerina Nikolaeva
Q: What qualities should the best colleague possess?
The best colleague could be anyone around you who is able to bring the best out of you. Same as outside work, we usually choose to have people around us who care for us but are also open and honest with us. And we all need such people in order to be the best version of ourselves.
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
I believe being successful is actually being able to do what you love and enjoy. If you think about it you spend half of your day at work. Would you consider yourself a successful person if you’ve been sad half of your time?
Perhaps success also comes once you decide to put your energy into what you believe is right, what you dream about, it comes when you go the extra mile even though no one has asked you to do so, when you make mistakes and fix them right after.. and enjoy meanwhile.
I am happy that my role and experience as part of the company have given me the chance to see so many people grow and literally transform professionally and honestly, this is the biggest motivation I could have to keep doing what I do.
This is how successful I wish I am.
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
Well, I perform wedding ceremonies sometimes..
So if you meet me at a wedding, it’s very likely I say: “ Уважаеми младоженци, драги кумове, скъпи родители и гости, добре дошли!“
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