Fantastic Heroes – Dimitar Pachev

Tracking his career path, we could find him in the Sales department, followed by Gardening Service Manager, Service Development Manager and we come to today when he is managing several teams – Service Experience, Customer Service, Franchise Recruitment, etc!
We are eager to share with you the successful story of a person, for whom his team members say that „hero“ is such a small word to be described with…
Please meet
Dimitar Pachev /Head of Service Experience/
Q: What advice would you give to a new inexperienced colleague, but ambitious for development in our company?
My advice would be to go the extra mile, to surpass expectations, sooner or later it will pay off, maybe not in the way you think, but this helped me a lot with people, with performance and goals. Use any opportunity to learn, do not wait for anyone to share knowledge with you, strive and get as much as you can on your own, understand the company structure and other departments functions, processes and people – for me this is the fastest way to develop yourself even before a position change is available – this is how you will get noticed and fast.
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
For me success is to overcome your fear or to get out of your comfort zone, only when you are fighting to improve, when you are learning from failures and turning weaknesses into unique strong sides, you get closer to your goals. But success is not a constant, once you win your goal, you have to celebrate and set the next target! Never give up, do your best and a little more, make a plan and success will come naturally.
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
Not sure if it is a talent, but I enjoy cooking and doing gardening, in my case one of my passions turned into a job and my job turned into a passion.
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