Fantastic Heroes – Anton Atanasov

It is such an honor for us to present the successful story
of a charming gentleman who started his Fantastic career in the HR Department in 2014.
Please meet
Anton Atanasov /Head of Master Franchise/
Q: What advice would you share from your experience if you had to do strategic planning (eg: what are the pitfalls)?
The plan is useless, the planning is priceless. Those who have gone through crisis situations in which the plan has become useless understand this best. The truth is that you can’t prepare for everything, but just as there are negative influences, sometimes luck is with you. Strategic planning is just a sophisticated way of saying that it is necessary not to go with the flow (reactively), but to concentrate efforts on specific projects that will bring results (proactively). But work and the people around me have taught me that you have to be flexible. This is where growth is achieved. And because we all work with limited time, you have to find a resource inside the company and look for optimizations all the time, even if at the moment you don’t seem to need them.
Q: How would you define success and how would you describe your success in the company?
Success is too relative – the path you take to reach a certain level, goal and the person you become on the path can be success. If you stop in one place and stop studying, you may have succeeded for someone. But, if you always have another goal, interest or hobby, success is to be better than who you were yesterday, a month, a year ago… and even though it is a cliché, it is true for me.
Q: Kindly share a hidden talent of yours that maybe not very many (if any) people know about and how has this influenced you?
I can’t think of that yet… maybe few people know that in the first month in the company we almost parted ways. Needless to say I spent several years in Fantastic, then joined another company and now I am here again in a completely different role from the area where I started. So that is my path of becoming better than who I was in that very first month of my Fantastic journey. And, of course, the lesson of not judging the book by its cover and maybe that it’s never two late to make a good second impression.
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